Do you have any questions?



Do you provide birth only care?

What makes midwifery care safe (because birth is as safe as life gets!) is a trusting relationship. My intrapartum insurance provider stipulates a minimum of three antenatal contacts prior to birth and I would want to get to know you, your family, your values and have you get to know and trust me. In addition, unfortunately, it is the birth bit that costs as Independent Midwives are having to purchase private insurance products per birth (NHS birth services are covered by NHS insurance products) so going for a ‘birth only’ care package isn’t going to reduce the cost significantly.

However, because I am with woman, I would consider taking on short notice clients on a case by case basis.

What is your philosophy?

Honesty, autonomy and evidence based practice.

My midwifery care is led by you. What do you want? What don’t you want? My approach is to support you in leading your own pregnancy, birth and your fourth trimester.

Every package is based on the standard schedule of midwifery care/NICE guidance as a starting point, and is then tailored to you during our first appointment. Nothing is mandatory.

Which locations do you cover?

I live in south Birmingham, UK, and I cover the West Midlands/Worcestershire region. I travel up to an hour, and cover Shropshire, Staffordshire and Warwickshire.

My midwife partner Mollie lives in the East Midlands and so in partnership with her my ‘patch’ is extended across Nottinghamshire, south Derbyshire and Leicestershire. If you live in one of these counties, Mollie would usually be your lead midwife and I would second.

What screening services do you offer?

I offer non-invasive screening tests and I do not use ultrasound unless on request or in an emergency. If you are not receiving NHS care then I can advise on the need for invasive testing (bloods, ultrasound scanning and doppler/ultrasound fetal monitoring), if you want them, and you have the right to access these via NHS GP or Maternity services.

Do I need to be ‘low risk’ to access an Independent Midwife?

No, I believe that midwifery care should be universal and that women should be supported to have a homebirth if that is their informed choice. I am confident in care planning and in facilitating out-of-guidance birth.

Why employ me?

I have been where you might be right now. I have been let down by risk-adverse health care professionals who practice defensively, and lose sight of the spiritual nature of birth.

In my journey from maiden to mother I learnt that having the best possible birth experience isn’t about having the evidence at your finger tips, or a watertight birth plan…

It’s about having someone on your side who values you, your baby and your family.

I now want to provide that care for you.

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