Homebirth Care

£7,000 (from)

Birth in the comfort and safety of your own home, supported by midwives who know physiological birth and know you.

From the time you find out you are pregnant (or before!) to after your baby has been born, my focus is on wellness rather than medical screening, and working with you as your family grows.

This package includes:

  • Midwifery care and support during your pregnancy, in person at home appointments, and WhatsApp/phone support as needed

  • Schedule of appointments: Initial Booking (8-10 weeks), 16 weeks, 25 weeks, 28 weeks, 31 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks, 40 weeks, 41 weeks, 42 weeks +

  • Additional appointments as needed

  • Birth preparation and planning

  • On-call for your birth 24/7 from 37 weeks to birth

  • Second midwife on-call for your birth (who you will have met and got to know)

  • Postnatal visits for up to six weeks as needed

  • Breastfeeding support

  • Direct referral to a lactation consultant, female health physiotherapist or osteopath if required

My antenatal care can include urine dipping, blood pressure monitoring, palpation to determine your baby’s position, fundal height measurements and auscultation of your baby’s heart with a fetoscope (or ultrasound doppler on request).

I provide whole family support during pregnancy; partners and siblings are part of my care not separate to it. All appointments are at your own home (unless otherwise requested) and can involve your whole family.


“ I instantly warmed to Lucy, and quickly found out that she shared my views around labour being more holistic, natural and intervention free.

She was a great
advocate throughout,”

Helen and her family

Helen, Kai and Violet

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