Hospital Birth Package


You may have been advised to have a hospital birth or feel that hospital is what’s right for you for this pregnancy, as your independent midwife I can support you though your pregnancy, birth and new motherhood journey. Providing antenatal care, birth planning, early labour support, and guidance with transferring to hospital when you feel ready. I will stay with you throughout your labour and birth in the hospital setting, advocating for you, explaining things in full and making sure you have space to make decisions that are right for you.

The advantage of having an independent midwife is that you will receive the gold standard of continuity of care, having had time to get to know me and for me to get to know you. The hospital birth package includes all of your antenatal care, early labour support at home, attendance with you at hospital and postnatal care - indivdualised to your values and needs.


“We were fortunate enough to have Lucy support us during the pregnancy and delivery of our second daughter. Lucy was very friendly and instantly put us at ease, allowing us to quickly build a good, open and trusting relationship with her.

She always had time to answer our questions and chat about any concerns we had.”

Naomi and her family

Naomi and Richard Dickens, parents to Emily (aged 3) and new baby Sophie

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