Ritualised Hazing
Ritualised bullying and hazing on Labour Ward, a student midwife’s experience.
The Value of a Good Midwifery Supervisor
Student midwife experiences throughout university training, working with different supervisors on Labour Ward, the Birth Centre and Caseholding in a Community team. Adapted from an article originally published in Midwifery Matters in 2022.
The Three Year Maintenance Grant Shortfall
The student midwife funding gap from 2017 to 2020. Adapted from an article written for the Student Nursing Times, 2020.
Changes to Midwifery Supervision for Student Midwives and Supervisors
In 2018 the NMC published new standards of education for Nurses, Nursing Associates and Midwives; this included changes to the standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA). This blog is adapted from an article that was originally written for the Student Nursing Times (2019).