Freebirth Support

Sister-to-sister advice and support, from someone who shares your values

  • Antenatal support

  • MAT B1 forms

  • Advocacy Consultations

  • Maternity Exemption Certificates

  • Postnatal support

  • Breastfeeding support

One off appointments £150

Total Freebirth support package


  • 28 week pregnancy confirmation and MAT B1 form

  • 36 week birth planning appointment

  • On-call from 37 weeks to provide post-birth care

  • One postnatal appointment to assist with breastfeeding, newborn care and any immediate postnatal well-being concerns.

This package include standard antenatal care if desired, at 28 and 36 weeks (blood pressure, urinalysis, abdominal palpation, fetal heart monitoring and fetal growth monitoring).
Legalities covered - proof of pregnancy with provision of a MAT B1 form and birth notification to your local Child Health department.
Birth planning including advice on kit/equipment as well as preparing for unexpected events; taking your individual situation into account.
On-call to attend you postnatally, including standard postnatal care if desired (maternal observations, perineal examination for any trauma, initial newborn examination, baby weight and prophylactic vitamin k [oral or intramuscular injection if wanted]) and placental disposal.
A one-off postnatal appointment on a day of your choice to support breastfeeding, have a chat over tea about your glorious birth and answer any questions about neonatal screening/health visitor/GP options.

This package does not include internal vaginal examinations, membrane sweeps, the NIPE examination, early labour support or assistance during any childbirth emergencies. It does not include virtual or telephone support during labour and birth.

Freebirth isn’t for everyone, if you aren’t 100'% sure that you can take on the radical self-responsibility, I’m very happy to support you in having a hands-off radical homebirth (please see my homebirth package.)

Get in touch